The Afghan Eye
The Afghan Eye is an independent, Afghan-led platform dedicated to Afghans reclaiming and leading the discussion on Afghanistan. We critique and provide a counter-narrative to all issues Afghan.
The Afghan Eye
Habib Wardak
Habib Wardak is a political analyst who graduated with an MA in Defence and Strategic Studies from the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies in the University of Pune. He worked as a lecturer at Kardan University's Department of International Relations and has extensive experience working with the international community in Afghanistan. Most recently, he worked as a senior official at the Afghan Ministry of Defence; a job he left for ethical reasons. In this episode, Ahmed-Waleed and Sangar host Habib. They quiz him on his family's political background, their association with figures like Professor Burhan ud-Din Rabbani, Pir Sayyid Ahmad Gilani, Ahmad Shah Massoud, Mawlawi Jalal ud-Din Haqqani and Mullah Omar. Habib dissects his experience working with the international community and the Afghan Ministry of Defence, whilst retelling the harrowing details of his family being the target of a night raid by US forces, as well as being interrogated by the notorious NDS: Afghanistan's intelligence agency.
Habib Wardak on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HabibWardak
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